Hourly Hall Rental Request This form should only be used if your total rental time is less than 4 hours. If you are over four hours please click Daily Rental and use the daily rental form.First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Street Address *City *Province *Postal Code *Phone *Alternate Contact Full NameAlternate Email AddressAlternate PhoneDate of Rental Start *Hours your event is open to the public.This time should not include setup and takedown for your event.Time reguired for Setup/CleanupNumber of hours you will need to setup and take down for your event.Purpose of Rental *WeddingCelebration of LifeWeddingCommunity Event (Dance)MarketMeetingClassesPrivate EventOther - Please specify addition informationWhat you want to use the hall for during the rental period.Repeating EventDoes Not RepeatRepeats WeeklyIs this a single event or weekly?Number of Attendees (Approximately)How many guests do you believe will be attending?Will you be: *Serving Catered or home cooked FoodServing AlcoholProviding Tea or Coffee or Soft Drinks OnlyProviding Commercially Prepared Snacks OnlyNOT SERVING food or AlcoholIf serving food or alcohol additional permits will be required.Will there be music at the event? (Recorded or Live) *YesNoAn additional $25 will be charged to cover So-Can and Re-Sound Fees.Additional Areas RequiredKitchenStageBoardroomThe main hall and annex are included in the rental.Signage PreferredWhat to display in the Calendar event title and additional information such as who to contact and how, what the event is for, who is the event for, etc.0 / 100Addition InformationAny special instructions that you want us to know. Such as who is decorating, when the event is actually open to the guests, etc.0 / 500Send Message Share Tweet